Invitation To The New Kingdom IQ

Last year we teamed up with Ben and Robin Pasley and Joe and Angie Steinke to impart kingdom foundations in the context of three weekend retreats locally called Kingdom IQ. It was wildly impactful for me personally, and I think for most everyone who attended.

This year Kingdom IQ is getting a reboot. We’re starting at the beginning and putting all materials online so anyone can participate–from anywhere. Whether you attended last year or this is your first introduction to Kingdom IQ, Laurie and I hereby encourage you to circle up with a few friends and get started.

There are three levels of commitment. One is free and self-paced, and the other two are great bargains that will keep you in step and put you face-to-face with the leadership team through local gatherings or private forums/video chats between now and May, culminating in the Kingdom IQ Launch Retreat near Woodland Park, CO May 23-25 (and by the way, there is no Village Gathering scheduled for this summer).

Learn more and get started with Kingdom IQ at