Song Story – Closer (Home in Your Heart)

If you can’t see this video, watch on Vimeo

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. – Ephesians 2:13 (NIV)

Well folks, summer is well underway and that means two things. One, Laurie is outside spraying the kids with the hose, and two, we are back in the swing of things after a June busy with lots of ministry travel and a nice family camping trip. It’s a good time to continue sharing the stories of the songs from our new album with you!

If you appreciate this video and the song, please do share them. That’s the best way for our music to become a blessing for people who wouldn’t have heard it otherwise! I just clicked over to our the song in our store and made it free to stream and free to download (for about 7 days until we feature a new song).