The snow, “The Silence,” coming home, and growing old

On a snowy day we are reminded of a favorite poem after getting an email from the East coast involving a wedding. Laurie gives a reading of Wendell Berry and we listen to the song Tim wrote in which a verse paraphrases that same poem. It is a celebration of the endurance of love through the cold seasons of life, and the beauty of getting old with someone.

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2 thoughts on “The snow, “The Silence,” coming home, and growing old

  1. Joel

    Tim and Laurie, I’ve listened to this song several times before today and always thought it lovely. But somehow this time–maybe it was hearing the poem and the focus of the podcast and solitude and maybe it was just that I’d steeled myself against it all those other times (which I’d rather not explain in this already longish comment)–it touched me in a deep place. Frankly it was a place I haven’t wanted to go, but I’ve known that I needed to. This was a beautiful way to get there–graceful and true and full of the promise of healing and goodness and hope. Thank you for that.

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